Fields of Application
Cured meats
- Drying
- Maturation
- Salting
- Resting
- Mini chambers
Systems for cured meats
Frigo Impianti’s cured meat drying and maturation systems are entirely custom-designed to maximise the efficiency of the available space.
The advantages that our installations offer are:
- Precise fermentation control;
- Uniformity of weight loss;
- Reduced risk of fouling;
- Reduced risk of harmful mould growth.
Type of systems:
“Turbo/Ventilated” systems, the air is conveyed inside the room by two side channels on the wall, complete with particular truncated cone-shaped injectors and recovery occurs through ceiling ducts, complete with adjustable suction vents. Temperature and humidity control within the room will be managed by a latest generation probe;
“Turbo/Ventilated” systems, the air is conveyed inside the room by two side channels on the wall, complete with particular truncated cone-shaped injectors and recovery occurs through ceiling ducts, complete with adjustable suction vents
“Phaseck” patent for Turbo/Static drying a process developed and studied with the University of Perugia; the product will be subjected to real thermal shocks that will provide enormous benefits to the cured meat: Lower bacterial loads, faster maturation, perfect PH control.
Our Drying and Maturation Systems can be equipped with:
- Stainless steel coils and ducting;
- Coils with increased copper thickness;
- Hot or cold smoking system;
- Modulation of air flows in a gradual manner;
- Remote supervision and remote assistance system.
Energy savings:
- Enthalpy or Energy Saving: use of outside air when the climatic conditions are suitable for processing the product;
- Heat recovery: the heat generated by the compressor is not dispersed but recovered and used in the production process, eliminating the need for other heat sources.
- Economiser: by under-cooling the coolant, a higher cooling capacity is achieved for the same electrical power input.
- Modulation of cold and heat valves: to improve the performance of the system according to the actual needs of the product during the different maturation phases
- Hot gas defrosting system: enables better and shorter defrosting of the cooling coil, resulting in energy savings.