Fields of Application
- Drying
- Maturation
- Mini chambers
The Drying and Maturation of dairy products are very important steps in the production of quality products;
The function of the drying system will be to keep the temperature and relative humidity control within values that allow for proper product maturation.
Controlling the formation of ammonia and carbon dioxide is crucial at this stage.
Drying systems are designed to ensure homogenous air distribution through textile or stainless steel ducts in order to avoid excessive drying of the product surface.
Cheese Maturation lasts on average about (3 – 6 months) or long (more than 6 months).
The maturation system will have the function of maintaining temperature and relative humidity control within values that allow the product to develop its characteristic aroma.
The distribution of air in the room by ducting allows for homogeneity of the air flow over the product, with control of the air flow rate according to the desired weight loss.
Depending on the type of cheese and load of the room, different solutions can be envisaged:
- Systems with circular fabric ducting;
- Static systems;
Cheeses are generally placed on shelves or trolleys.
The air handling units are made with technical features that are fundamental for these rooms,
for decades Frigo impianti has been careful to respect the thermo-hygrometric parameters in the production, processing and packaging rooms and the most suitable conditions for the products.
Energy savings:
- Enthalpy: use of outside air when the climatic conditions are suitable for processing the product;
- Heat recovery: the heat generated by the compressor is not dispersed but recovered and used in the production process, eliminating the need for other heat sources.
- Economiser: by under-cooling the coolant, a higher cooling capacity is achieved for the same electrical power input.
- Modulation of cold and heat valves: to improve the performance of the system according to the actual needs of the product during the different maturation phases.
- Hot gas defrosting system: enables better and shorter defrosting of the cooling coil, resulting in energy savings.